The Art of Forced Feminization: Episode One
Explore the world of forced sissification and feminization with experienced American Domme, Mistress Danni. Learn why it might be the right choice for you and discover the process of forced feminization.
Mistress Danni
9/3/202413 min read
An audio version of this post is now available for FREE on my Patreon site.
Some people choose femininity and sissification. Others have feminization forced upon them. As an experienced Domme with many years delivering forced feminization training, I know that there can be a lot of resistance at first.
Once sissy realises, however, that there is no escape and begins to accept their new situation things become a lot easier. What you need to do is break down the subject completely so that you can rebuild them. That’s different for everyone and patience on the Domme's part is essential.
Starting to break someone down involves various forced feminization humiliations once things get underway. Taking the sissy girl outside in public dressed in a skimpy little outfit, for example. Or bending them over your knee and giving them a few cracks of the whip. The more embarrassing the better
With my own sissy Tanya, the release and acceptance came when I got her to suck on a dildo in front of some of my closest female friends. She was dressed as a pretty maid at the time and I still remember her tears and my exquisite moment of triumph.
Here, I’m going to take you through the art of forced feminization. I’ll tell you more about how I trapped Tanya and we’ll also look at some of my friend's stories.
Whether you’re a closet sissy that needs training or you are thinking of sissifying your husband or partner, I hope you get a lot out of this article. This is mostly aimed at feminizing a male permanently and against their will but you should be able to adapt the points to whatever you need.

What is Forced Feminization?
For many, forced feminization or sissification is a fantasy. They dream about it when they are alone and secretly dress in their wife or partner’s lingerie when no one's at home. Some have a stash hidden away. Others visit clubs. They all wish they had someone to guide them through the process of full feminization.
The key here, however, is the word ‘forced’. It’s no fun for the Domme or Dom who is running the show if the little sissy is way too compliant. Some do this kind of pseudo-forced feminization for money. I don’t. I’m independently wealthy and that kind of hassle doesn’t work for me. It also gives the sissy far too much control.
My joy comes from taking an unwilling participant and turning them into the perfect little girl. I have transformed three others apart from Tanya and all now live permanently in frocks and enjoy doing so.
Forced Sissification Should Be Fun
For the dedicated Mistress, wife or partner who undertakes forced feminization, the process has to be fun. In some cases, the sissy doesn’t even know they are being transformed during the early stages. They just begin to change naturally, or so it seems.
Another friend of mine, Jenny, used subtle binaural beats and hypnotic suggestions to get her husband into panties. It took a little while but once that programming was embedded, it wasn’t long before young Mickey was thinking only of how pretty he looked in the mirror. Most of us who feminize men do so because we like it. It’s our driving force.
So, before you start even considering forced sissification, it’s important to ask yourself whether it’s really part of your core.

Deciding on Who to Force Feminize
As I’ve just mentioned, choosing someone who already wants to be feminized doesn’t float my boat but if that’s your thing, then good luck. For those who want to undertake a real-life forced sissification, then picking the right subject is critical.
Of course, you may not have any choice if it’s your husband or partner you want to turn into a girl. That’s okay too.
I tend to pick my targets slowly. I don’t generally actively seek out men to put into panties. But sooner or later fate or something else leads me to the perfect subject for my next project. Tanya is a good example.
I was living on a fairly quiet suburban street. There are lots of different families and young couples here. Anyway, one day I noticed that a pair of panties was missing from my washing line. I put out some nice lingerie on occasion to see if someone will bite. You’d be surprised.
I decided to set up my wildlife camera (the garden attracts all sorts) and put a fresh lot of washing out a few days later. Sure, enough, this young man, the worse for wear from a night out with friends creeps into my garden and steals another pair of panties.
I’d seen him before. He wasn’t petite but he wasn’t big and strong either. About 5’9 I would say, early 20s. His hair was short, and he had the cutest face. I knew he still lived with his parents down the road.
I got to know his mother over a few weeks and then finally ran into young Tom on a Friday evening. He was just out for a drink with his friends and was particularly surly and rude to his mother. That meant he was perfect for my next project.
More about that later.

How to Force Femme
If someone doesn’t want to put on a pair of panties and a bra, it’s difficult to make them unless you find the right way to coerce them. I love to see that moment when there’s no escape and they finally disrobe and awkwardly try to do up the clasp on the bra – the first lesson begins then!
There are several different ways to force feminize a man. It depends on several factors but here are the main ways to approach it.
Coercion: By far the most difficult is coercion. This is where usually the partner uses various methods like sex play and admission of a kinky side to get their hubby or boyfriend to start dressing more like a sissy. This can take a lot of time but I know some women who positively love this approach.
Sissy Hypnosis: Coercion and other forms of forced feminization can always benefit from a bit of feminization hypno. There are plenty of resources online nowadays but, for the right subject, it can help loosen the tie to masculinity and send sissy more quickly down the road to full feminization.
Blackmail: My personal favourite. I like it because the subject is so resistant but they can’t get out of the situation. I have something on them and they MUST put on the panties and bra. Once that’s achieved, you can take more images of them and build up a gallery. Okay, you can throw in some sissy hypno as well if you like, but I prefer it old school.
The Sissy Ultimatum
It’s important to reach a point of no return for the sissy as soon as possible. You must take control. With bolshy little Tommy, I knew there was a narrow timeline even though I had photo evidence of him.
I decided on the lawn ploy. That was, I went around my new friend, Tommy’s mother, and asked if he wanted to earn some drinking money. The answer was yes and the boy turned up a few hours later.
I just wanted a bit more on him, so I left the washing out in the kitchen with panties in plain sight and left him alone for a while. Of course, he couldn’t resist. I knew he’d be a good sissy because he chose a pair of pink, silky tanga briefs with a pretty lace front.
He did the lawn and came back to get paid. I showed him the video and he went as red as a beetroot. Of course, he couldn’t do anything. He just rushed out the door without being paid.
Getting Started on Sissification
If you’re feminizing someone reluctant or even hostile you need to get the first part of entrapment right. Get it wrong and they’re off the hook. The point is the quicker you get them in panties for that ‘oh, God’ moment and standing in front of you, the better. I decided to let Tommy stew for a bit, however.
A couple of days later, I left a letter at his house with my instructions. You never know if this sort of thing will work, especially with a young man like Tommy. The letter set out that I had a video of him stealing panties from my washing line and he was to come to the house the next day, bringing the garment with him. I would then outline what I intended to do. It was short and to the point but I didn’t want to overplay my hand.
The sissy ultimatum forms the bedrock of any forced feminization project. What comes next has to be carefully planned. For Tommy, it was this:
Give him a few drinks to ease his nervousness.
Get him to put the panties on the table.
Tell him that he was to be my slave for the week (he didn’t work), doing jobs around the house.
If I was satisfied that he had kept his end of the bargain, I would let him go and delete the videos.
He was to do everything I told him to do, without question.
This sets the first boundaries and expectations. The panties on the table just remind him of what he has done and the possible consequences. Offering him a week means that he can probably get out of this situation reasonably unscathed if a little humiliated. He doesn’t know that the next week will change his life completely.
Of course, Tommy agrees. He is to be at the house at 9 am precisely the next morning, clean-shaven and showered. I half think he thinks I’m going to make him a sex slave. I’m a good deal older than him but he’s got a surprise in store.
If he doesn’t turn up, I will go to the police with the video and he can deal with the fallout from that.

First Sissy Dressings
The first time that sissy puts on panties and a bra is a big moment for both of you. It’s humiliating for the man simply because he’s in front of someone. You need to be firm but gentle with them as they will probably be acutely embarrassed.
Don’t worry about things like hairy legs or that unsightly bulge, there are more important considerations for that first day. You want to gather evidence and record the start of sissy’s transformation. Take them deeper down the rabbit hole.
I had a video of Tommy stealing my panties, soon I would have evidence of him walking around my house in panties and a bra. I would also take the opportunity to access his mobile phone and retrieve all his contacts. This then gives me a firm base for further feminization as the week goes on.
It’s not simply just getting them in lingerie, you need to get them doing something. The easiest way to do that is to set them cleaning assignments. Of course, Tommy resisted at first (they all do!) but once he saw there was no way out for him, he stripped off and put on his sissy panties and a cute little bralette with pink roses on the front.
There are a few things that I wanted on the first day with Tommy:
I wanted him to address me as Mistress.
I wanted him to be aware that I had all his contacts.
I wanted him to try on his maid’s uniform for the first time.
I want him to practice curtseying in front of me.
I’m not intending to use corporal punishment at this time, though that will be used once forced feminization is well on the way. My tone, however, does get gradually more stern and controlling over the day.
You see, of course, why it’s important to plan the day out. While things are likely to go askew, if you have a plan, then you can keep things on track. Tommy went home that evening wearing his sissy panties and bralette under his clothes having met all my expectations. I could tell he was going to look good in the maid’s uniform.
Naming and Gendering for Sissy
Again, the quicker you can do this, the better. I had set this for the second day because we were going to step things up a notch. I find it’s always better if sissy chooses their own name. You can always get them to pick again if you don’t like it. Giving them a choice gives them more connection to that feminine identity. Once the name is chosen, however, you must always refer to him as her.
Phrases like: good girl, that’s a good girl, you look very pretty young lady and the like should then be used to add reinforcement. More about that later.

Getting Sissy Chastity in Place ASAP
An integral tool in any form of feminisation, forced or otherwise, is chastity. A good chastity device that cannot be removed should be fitted at the earliest opportunity – you do not want sissy playing with their dangly bits unless they are fully supervised.
A chastity device is also a constant reminder that sissy is now your property and her life is no longer her own.
Personally, I also fit a chastity device to ensure that sissy is no longer able to orgasm in the normal way. As Tommy becomes more frustrated, I will teach him how to achieve satisfaction by nipple play and, of course, anal play. It’s the best way to make feminised sluts settle into their new role.
Choosing a good chastity device or cage that can be securely locked is important. There are plenty on the market nowadays but spending a little more on something sturdier is always a good choice.
How you put the chastity device on is also important. You can get your sissy drunk and put it on when they are unconscious, but I think it’s better they ‘willingly’ put it on themselves. That means time can be crucial. Once it is locked, make sure that you put the key away somewhere safe. I wear mine around my neck so my feminized sissy can see it.
The Other Tools of the Sissification Game
Forced femme training requires several different tools besides a chastity device. You’ll want to have everything prepared.
Butt Plugs and Dildos
While they may not be used until later on, make sure you have a good selection of vibrators and sissy anal toys to hand.
Even if your sissy isn’t gay, play with these toys is critical to reinforce their femininity. In addition, when it comes to learning to walk like a girl the insertion of a small butt plug can make a big difference.
Punishment Toys
This can vary from the traditional crop to wooden paddles, locks and ball gags. There’s a whole host of different ones out there so it’s worth having a shop with your sissy’s forced feminization in mind and don’t be afraid to be adventurous.
I love a good ball gag, especially if sissy has talked back or there are guests in the house.
Sissy Reading
This often gets overlooked, but sending sissy home with a good bedtime story or some instruction manuals makes sure that they are not switching off at night. It’s important to keep her busy as much as you can, especially in the first 7 to 10 days.
A Journal
Getting sissy to write down her forced feminization experiences is another good way to keep her focused. It also gives you the chance to see what changes are working and whether she is pretending or really starting to get into the role.

Forced Feminization Training: Building a Plan
Building a forced feminization plan is not that difficult once you’ve caught sissy in your trap. It’s about thinking where you want to be at the end of 7 days, 14 days, a month etc. Look what you want sissy to be:
Sissy works on her voice and softens it.
Sissy learns to curtsey properly and do her daily chores.
Sissy learns to walk in high heels.
Sissy’s cooking skills improve.
Sissy reaches a level where she can entertain guests.
Check out our blog: Sissy Commandments: A Quick Guide
When Tommy returned the next day, he was far more subservient than I had expected. He was probably thinking about getting through the week as best he could and then he would be free. Little did he know!
Because of this, I started him immediately on removing body hair. He was made to lather himself with epilation cream and stood there pathetically while it went to work. When he came out of the shower, he was nice and smooth. By that time I had arranged the maid’s uniform and underwear in the bedroom.
You could see Tommy’s heart sink. I helped him get dressed and at one point realised he was visibly trembling and near to tears. As he stood there in his frilly outfit, the stocking tops showing beneath the hem of the skirt, I nearly felt sorry for him.
I told him that now he was dressed as a girl, he would need a girl’s name. I told him to think of one before midday. Of course, he came up with Tanya. I used the name all afternoon as she went about her cleaning duties. When it finally came time for her to return home, I gave her a sheer pink baby doll nightie and instructed her to wear it in bed that night.
I also gave Tanya a journal and told her to write about her experiences during the day and to make sure that she thanked her Mistress for giving her this opportunity. I would be reading it in the morning.
The next day I would introduce Tanya to the joys of makeup and add a wig to the ensemble (until her hair grows out). Each night I would check the plan that I had and make notes and tick off areas where achievement had been made.
A plan needs to be fluid even if you are meticulous. There are always things that get in the way or little bumps along the road. Be prepared to adjust, have patience and know when you need to be more forceful with sissy.
Well, that’s enough from me for now. I’ll be bringing you the rest of the story in due course. Just to say that, while Sissy Tanya was a breeze the first two days, on day three Mistress had to put her foot down and introduce some serious punishment.
You’ll have to wait to find out why but I’ll be back very soon!

In the next episode, Mistress Danni will talk more about Tanya's forced feminization and cover topics such as sissy maid punishment, how sissy sex play can make your charge more compliant and the benefits of completing a sissy maid contract.